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StormFisher Hydrogen and kiwi AG partner for green H2 projects in North America and Europe

StormFisher Hydrogen and kiwi AG (kiwi) announced a partnership to advance the development of green H2 related projects in North America and Europe.

StormFisher has a track record over the last 15 years of developing long-term, successful renewable energy facilities that continue to operate. This includes operation of the largest industrial biogas plant in North America, generating 225,000 gigajoules (GJ) of renewable natural gas, 2.85 megawatts (MW) of renewable electricity, while processing over 135,000 metric tpy of organic waste. For reference, the average Canadian home uses around 90 GJs per year for home heating uses.

With StormFisher’s strong leadership team and renewable fuels project development expertise, it will support kiwi’s plans to build and operate large scale Power-to-X (PtX) projects throughout the EU (European Union). This includes facilities using renewable electricity to produce low-carbon fuels such as compressed H2, renewable natural gas, liquefied renewable natural gas, green methanol and other liquid fuels or chemicals. Each proposed facility will convert up to 300 MW of renewable electricity into green H2 and produce upwards of 1.5-MM GJs or 90,000 metric tons of green methanol using biogenic CO2 from various industries.

“Being the leading pioneers in PtX and renewable fuels for the transport sector since more than 10 years, the kiwi team is looking forward to the collaboration with the StormFisher Hydrogen team,” said Hermann Pengg, founder and CEO of kiwi AG. “StormFisher have been very successful in developing renewable fuels projects within the last decades. Joining forces will boost our plans in rolling out PtX projects. Kiwi is happy to have StormFisher Hydrogen as a partner who's experienced in project development in the North American market and for its expertise in the legislative frameworks to enable us as partners to develop market-specific setups that realize the common goal of net zero.”

Through the collaboration, StormFisher will in turn gain access to kiwi’s technical and operational maintenance data from running the world’s first industrial power-to-gas plant in Werlte, Lower Saxony. The plant has been generating up to 1,300 m3 of green H2 per hour since 2013 using 6 MW of alkaline electrolyzers and biogenic CO2 from a nearby food waste anaerobic digestion facility.

Green H2 is widely recognized as essential to achieve global climate goals, potentially supplying 25% of energy demand by 2050, with a $10-T addressable market, according to Goldman Sachs. The partnership will allow StormFisher to gain insights from a leader in the production of green H2 and relay this information back to the emerging industry in Canada.

The partnership falls in line with ambitions from the Canadian and German government to enhance energy security with clean Canadian H2.

“The StormFisher Hydrogen team is excited to collaborate with the team from kiwi as they have been a leader in the production of green H2 for the past decade,” said Brandon Moffatt, co-founder StormFisher Hydrogen. “We believe the combination of our skills to develop and operate green H2 and PtX facilities is best in class. We believe that our goals/aspirations fit together well and look to be a leader in the space for many years to come. Kiwi has unique operational experience and expertise with clean H2 production that we look forward to leveraging in our project development efforts in North America.”

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