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Hynion to build the H2 stations for the future in Västerås and Jönkøping

Hynion was notified that the Energy Authorities are providing SEK 61.4 MM in support to Hynion for two robust high-capacity H2 stations that will be in Västerås and Jönkøping. The stations will have a capacity of 1500 kg per day and be built to facilitate the trucks that now will be phased in.

“This is an important step forward for H2 for the transport sector,” said Slavica Djuric, CEO of Hynion Sweden. “We now see clear action from the Swedish authorities that they are serious about introducing H2 for heavy transport, which makes us very optimistic about the development. These two stations are located in central logistics hubs which mean that a lot to the transport companies that now will convert to zero emissions. Cars will of course also be welcomed.”

“Together with our stations in Sandviken, Stockholm and Gothenburg, we are forming a network that will allow the roll-out of H2 to accelerate,” said Ulf Hafseld, CEO of Hynion AS.  “Now, it will soon be possible to travel between large and important cities in Sweden on H2, and we look forward to welcoming the trucks to our stations. It is also exciting to see that Sweden takes a leading role in paving the way for the use of H2 for heavy transport.”

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