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DATS 24 opens public H2 filling station near the E40, at the Research Park Haasrode

DATS 24, Colruyt Group's energy and fuel supplier, is opening its third H2 filling station at the Researchpark in Haasrode. With this opening DATS 24 emphasizes its belief in H2 as a fuel for electric vehicles. After all, H2 fuel cell cars are also considered to be electric cars. The opening of this public H2 station was made possible thanks to support from the EU's H2Benelux program. Besides industrial and logistics applications, H2 also has a role to play in the decarbonization of transport and mobility.

The importance and potential of H2

The importance and potential of H2 as a sustainable energy carrier is growing rapidly. Both for industry and for transport and logistics applications. But also for passenger transport and mobility, as a complement to battery-electric driving. Raf Flebus, Business Unit Manager of DATS 24 said, "H2 will play an essential role in industry, logistics processes and in transport activities. We also sincerely believe that electric driving will become the norm. For a majority of Belgians, this will eventually be feasible. But it is important to get as many people as possible on board for the transition to emission-free driving. And H2 will certainly have its place in this, alongside battery-electric driving. In a number of circumstances, H2-electric can play off its complementary role with battery-electric. For example, when the electricity grid is congested or when charging is taking place in a higher-density urban context where apartment buildings are the main form of housing. This often prevents the installation of own charging infrastructure, today an important condition for the switch to battery-electric driving. And finally, H2-electric driving is less dependent on certain rare materials."

"This first H2 filling station in Leuven fits in with the pioneering role we want to play in making Leuven a climate-neutral city," said Mayor Mohamed Ridouani. "It is a great example of how we as a city work together with companies and partners to realize concrete initiatives like this."

H2 plays a crucial role in decarbonization of the energy system

The aim of the energy transition is to replace the current energy source with a renewable one for all applications. To fully implement this decarbonization, several technologies are needed in parallel, including technology that can provide sustainable molecules. After all, a significant part of our total energy consumption is not electric but consists of natural gas and petroleum products. The production of green H2 through electrolysis based on green electricity is such a technology that reduces emissions to zero.

Richard Ferrer, Head of the Alternative Fuels Sector at CINEA, the European Agency for Climate Infrastructure and the Environment, also makes the conscious link to decarbonization of transport: “A green energy mix coupled with a reliable alternative fuels supply network for transport is key to contribute reaching Green Deal objectives and carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050. Today opening this H2 refueling station in Haasrode, is not only beneficial at local, regional, and national level, it is instrumental in deploying a seamless and decarbonized European transport network”

H2-powered electric vehicles offer unique advantages

"Sustainability remains the guiding principle in everything we do. Colruyt Group gives us the space to take up our pioneering role, and that is quite unique. This means that we continue to invest in the production and distribution of renewable energy and fuels," continues Raf Flebus. "Driving on H2 offers a combination of unique advantages: fast refueling, emission-free driving, no infrastructure adjustments at the user's site and a guaranteed electric range of 650 to 700 km, in all circumstances and at any time. All you need is a H2 filling station nearby. That has now been arranged for Leuven and the surrounding area," Flebus adds.

This H2 filling station helps achieve Leuven2030 objectives

Mayor Ridouani is pleased with this station on Leuven territory. DATS 24 believes it can play an important role. That's why it brought in other H2 pioneers Toyota, Hyundai and partner ALD Automotive for a workshop for all the companies at Research Park Haasrode on the benefits of H2. Ann Larosse, CSR & Innovation Manager at ALD Automotive Belgium, is committed to ensuring that there is room for H2 cars in every company fleet: "As a global leader in leasing and mobility, it is our responsibility to support new technologies that contribute to sustainable mobility. We have therefore developed a total contract that makes H2 cars accessible and affordable for interested companies. For them, this is a logical addition to their battery-electric cars."

H2 filling station Haasrode part of European H2 corridor

The H2 filling station was built with the support of the H2Benelux program, coordinated by WaterstofNet and part of the Connecting Europe Facility program (executed by CINEA), to significantly expand the existing public H2 fueling infrastructure and H2 vehicle fleet in the Benelux. After Halle, Wilrijk and Haasrode, DATS 24 will open H2 stations in Erpe-Mere, Herve and Ollignies.

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