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Northern Territory to receive first H2-fueled generator as CDU prepares for future

Charles Darwin University (CDU) will be part of the Northern Territory’s H2-fueled future with a pilot H2 generator, storage and fuel-cell system to be established in Darwin.

The Hydrogen Energy Storage System is a first for the Northern Territory. CDU’s Energy and Resources Institute (ERI) will operate the system for industry partners, students and researchers to further develop and commercialize H2 as an energy source.

ERI Director Professor Suresh Thennadil said a green H2 future for the NT would need comprehensive research and evaluation and the ability to train a workforce with the appropriate skills required for sustaining a H2 industry.

“There is still a lot of work to do for the NT to become a hydrogen producer for a global energy market that is investing heavily in alternative fuels,” said Professor Thennadil.

“ERI, with its REMHART grid systems hub, is perfectly placed to help drive this renewable energy industry in the NT by bringing dedicated researchers and industry together to work through the challenges.”

He said funding from the Australian Government enables the university to develop a world-class Grid Testing Facility that fosters collaborations between CDU and industry in the NT through applied research projects and training programs.

Dr Thennadil said the H2 electrolyzer and fuel cell system would expand our capabilities in renewable energy systems.

Hybrid Systems provides the electrolyzer, H2 storage, and fuel-cell system to be housed at the Renewable Energy Grid Testing Facility in East Arm Wharf, Darwin.  

Hybrid Systems Executive Director Mike Hall said the system would create H2 fuel from fresh water and store the fuel at the test facility.

“We are delighted to work with CDU to adapt our proven and reliable SPS product for researchers to test the capability of creating renewable hydrogen and integrating electrolyzers and fuel cells into the grid,” said Mr. Hall.

Hybrid Systems Australia has its headquarters in Western Australia and provides on- and off-grid renewable energy services.

The NT Government announced last year that it would invest in and support a renewable H2 industry in the Territory.

The Northern Territory Renewable Hydrogen Strategy stated that the government’s vision was for the territory to be an international-scale renewable H2 technology research, production, and downstream manufacturing center.

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