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Hydra Energy signs 8 new heavy-duty truck fleet offtakers for world’s largest H2 refueling station

Hydra Energy achieved a significant milestone in its Prince George, British Columbia project rollout by signing detailed MoUs with eight new commercial truck fleets in the region. This represents 82 Class 8 trucks to be retrofitted using Hydra’s proprietary H2-diesel, co-combustion conversion technology.

Once converted by Hydra installation partner, First Truck Centre, these trucks will refuel at the world’s largest H2 refueling station Hydra is currently building in Prince George to be operational in 2024 which leverages green H2 produced on site by two 5-megawatt electrolyzers powered with hydroelectricity. These new fleet commitments and supporting H2 infrastructure from Hydra will make this the largest commercial deployment of H2-diesel co-combustion transportation vehicles in the world as Hydra continues to fast track emissions reductions in the hard-to-abate trucking sector.

“Upon signing our first commercial fleet customer in Prince George and breaking ground on our local refueling station last year, we had an initial goal to secure 65 heavy-duty trucks to leverage the new station once operational next year. We’re pleased to surpass this target with the signing of these eight fleets highlighting the continued interest in H2 trucking and the benefits it delivers for fleets of all sizes, even with heavy payloads in challenging weather and road conditions like those found in Northern B.C.,” explained Hydra Energy CEO, Jessica Verhagen.

“Securing immediate offtakers for our station’s low-carbon H2 is another critical piece in our Prince George HaaS blueprint illustrating to potential investors and licensees how H2 supply and demand can profitably come together. We look forward to working with First Truck Centre to start converting these trucks about six months prior to our station’s opening and to continuing to work with the City of Prince George as the flagship stop in the Western Canadian H2 Corridor, we’re building between the B.C. Coast and Edmonton.”

The eight companies who have signed MoUs represent a range of fleet sizes and types of heavy-duty trucks highlighting the cost effectiveness of Hydra’s HaaS business model and the platform agnostic nature of the company’s dual-fuel conversion technology. For example, Arrow Transportation Systems is a leader in bulk commodity hauling, reload operations, and freight management serving North America and according to Jacob Adams, their Manager of Optimization and Sustainability, “is excited about the potential opportunity to collaborate with Hydra on H2-converted trucks.”

Annie Horning, CEO of Excel Transportation, a Prince George-based transport and logistic service company for the forestry industry who also signed an MoU said, “Once we heard about the progress Hydra has been making on their H2 refueling station right in our own backyard, the fact their H2 wouldn’t cost us more than diesel, and that it would cost nothing to retrofit our trucks to run cleaner and more efficiently, we couldn’t pass on the opportunity. Hydra allows us to make a positive difference sooner than later while eliminating our range anxiety concerns that could impact our service reliability.”

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