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Metacon and Uppvidinge Vätgas to open wind-powered H2 refueling station

Uppvidinge Vätgas AB has ordered the construction of a H2 refueling station (HRS) from Metacon AB supported by a grant from Klimatklivet. The station is the first in Sweden to have its H2 produced with electricity from a nearby wind turbine and which has integrated H2 production for refueling with both 350 bar and 700 bar pressures (for heavy vehicles and passenger cars, respectively).

At the wind turbine powered by Uppvidinge H2, an electrolyzer with auxiliary equipment has been installed to produce green H2. The plant has a capacity of 200 kg/d of pure H2. In parallel with the construction of the electrolysis plant, a filling station for public refueling of H2 has been built. The entire facility has been designed for future expansion in line with expected needs for increased capacity.

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